Chapter 2732 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep224
- "You get there to work on the underside, or is it the top....I guess it depends on the position ah, well the direction he's pointing," Beth rambled, the pot having some impact, "and as things, ahem, lie now, I guess you should start on the top, here." She instructed as she slid her fingers slowly, yet firmly, from the ever constricting cock ring up his shaft until she passed over his sensitive and pulsing, blood engorged head. "And I'll get positioned on the other side,"
- Ron stared on in stunned anticipation as Beth lowered the side of her head until her right ear was in firm contact with his stomach, her face mere inches from his throbbing cockhead. He grew frustrated when her blonde hair blocked his view, until he recalled the mirrored closets next to the bed, and turned in time to see her sliding her pink tongue and still glossy red lips to his needy dick. Just as he clenched in anticipation of being engulfed within his sexy tormentor's moist, warm mouth, she kept pressing past his helmet, toward the base of his shaft, forcing his ridiculously hard cock to rise to a more perpendicular position.
- Beth mumbled a directive around the teenagers shaft, as she motioned Pam to join in. With minimal hesitation, and mostly suppressed guilt, Amy's mom leaned down to gently wrap her lips against her own daughter's boyfriend's thick shaft, just at the point it bulged out over the straining cock ring. She could feel her friend moving against him on the other side of his impressive thickness, and they would frequently push their lips together as they thoroughly coated about two inches of the lucky boy's penis with their everactive tongues.